grammar::aycock(Aycock-Horspool-Earley parser generator fgrammar::aycock(3tcl)
grammar::aycock - Aycock-Horspool-Earley parser generator for Tcl
package require Tcl 8.5
package require grammar::aycock ?1.0?
::aycock::parser grammar ?-verbose?
parserName parse symList valList ?clientData?
parserName destroy
parserName terminals
parserName nonterminals
parserName save
The grammar::aycock package implements a parser generator for the class
of parsers described in John Aycock and R. Nigel Horspool. Practical
Earley Parsing. The Computer Journal, 45(6):620-630, 2002.
The grammar::aycock package exports the single procedure:
::aycock::parser grammar ?-verbose?
Generates a parser for the given grammar, and returns its name.
If the optional -verbose flag is given, dumps verbose informa-
tion relating to the generated parser to the standard output.
The returned parser is an object that accepts commands as shown
parserName parse symList valList ?clientData?
Invokes a parser returned from ::aycock::parser. symList is a
list of grammar symbols representing the terminals in an input
string, and valList is a list of their semantic values. The re-
sult is the semantic value of the entire string when parsed.
parserName destroy
Destroys a parser constructed by ::aycock::parser.
parserName terminals
Returns a list of terminal symbols that may be presented in the
symList argument to the parse object command.
parserName nonterminals
Returns a list of nonterminal symbols that were defined in the
parser's grammar.
parserName save
Returns a Tcl script that will reconstruct the parser without
needing all the mechanism of the parser generator at run time.
The reconstructed parser depends on a set of commands in the
package grammar::aycock::runtime, which is also automatically
loaded when the grammar::aycock package is loaded.
The grammar::aycock::parser command accepts a grammar expressed as a
Tcl list. The list must be structured as the concatenation of a set of
rules. Each rule comprises a variable number of elements in the list:
o The name of the nonterminal symbol that the rule reduces.
o The literal string, ::=
o Zero or more names of terminal or nonterminal symbols that com-
prise the right-hand-side of the rule.
o Finally, a Tcl script to execute when the rule is reduced.
Within the given script, a variable called _ contains a list of
the semantic values of the symbols on the right-hand side. The
value returned by the script is expected to be the semantic
value of the left-hand side. If the clientData parameter was
passed to the parse method, it is available in a variable called
clientData. It is permissible for the script to be the empty
string. In this case, the semantic value of the rule will be
the same as the semantic value of the first symbol on the right-
hand side. If the right-hand side is also empty, the semantic
value will be the empty string.
Parsing is done with an Earley parser, which is not terribly efficient
in speed or memory consumption, but which deals effectively with am-
biguous grammars. For this reason, the grammar::aycock package is per-
haps best adapted to natural-language processing or the parsing of ex-
traordinarily complex languages in which ambiguity can be tolerated.
The following code demonstrates a trivial desk calculator, admitting
only +, * and parentheses as its operators. It also shows the format
in which the lexical analyzer is expected to present terminal symbols
to the parser.
set p [aycock::parser {
start ::= E {}
E ::= E + T {expr {[lindex $_ 0] + [lindex $_ 2]}}
E ::= T {}
T ::= T * F {expr {[lindex $_ 0] * [lindex $_ 2]}}
T ::= F {}
F ::= NUMBER {}
F ::= ( E ) {lindex $_ 1}
puts [$p parse {( NUMBER + NUMBER ) * ( NUMBER + NUMBER ) } {{} 2 {} 3 {} {} {} 7 {} 1 {}}]
$p destroy
The example, when run, prints 40.
Aycock, Earley, Horspool, parser, compiler
ambiguous, aycock, earley, grammar, horspool, parser, parsing, trans-
Grammars and finite automata
Copyright (c) 2006 by Kevin B. Kenny <>
Redistribution permitted under the terms of the Open Publication License <>
tcllib 1.0 grammar::aycock(3tcl)