
tcl::chan::core(3tcl)  Reflected/virtual channel support tcl::chan::core(3tcl)


       tcl::chan::core - Basic reflected/virtual channel support

       package require Tcl  8.5

       package require TclOO

       package require tcl::chan::core  ?1?

       ::tcl::chan::core objectName

       objectName initialize thechannel mode

       objectName finalize thechannel

       objectName destroy


       The  tcl::chan::core package provides a TclOO class implementing common
       behaviour needed by virtually every reflected or virtual channel  (ini-
       tialization, finalization).

       This  class expects to be used as either superclass of a concrete chan-
       nel class, or to be mixed into such a class.

       ::tcl::chan::core objectName
              This command creates a new channel core object with  an  associ-
              ated  global  Tcl command whose name is objectName. This command
              may be used to invoke various operations on the object,  as  de-
              scribed in the section for the Instance API.

       The  API of channel core instances provides only two methods, both cor-
       responding to channel handler  commands  (For  reference  see  TIP  219
       [http:/]). They expect to be called from whichever object
       instance the channel core was made a part of.

       objectName initialize thechannel mode
              This method implements standard  behaviour  for  the  initialize
              method  of  channel  handlers.  Using introspection it finds the
              handler methods supported by the instance  and  returns  a  list
              containing their names, as expected by the support for reflected
              channels in the Tcl core.

              It further remembers the channel handle in an instance  variable
              for access by sub-classes.

       objectName finalize thechannel
              This  method  implements  standard  behaviour  for  the finalize
              method of channel handlers. It simply destroys itself.

       objectName destroy
              Destroying the channel core instance closes the channel  it  was
              initialized  for, see the method initialize. When destroyed from
              within a call of finalize this does not happen,  under  the  as-
              sumption that the channel is being destroyed by Tcl.

       This  document,  and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain
       bugs and other problems.  Please report such in the category  virtchan-
       nel  of  the  Tcllib  Trackers  [].
       Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have  for  either
       package and/or documentation.

       When proposing code changes, please provide unified diffs, i.e the out-
       put of diff -u.

       Note further that  attachments  are  strongly  preferred  over  inlined
       patches.  Attachments  can  be  made  by  going to the Edit form of the
       ticket immediately after its creation, and  then  using  the  left-most
       button in the secondary navigation bar.

       reflected channel, tip 219, virtual channel


       Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Kupries <>

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