doctools::idx::export::docidx - docidx export plugin
package require Tcl 8.4
package require doctools::idx::export::docidx ?0.2.1?
export serial configuration
This package implements the doctools keyword index export plugin for
the generation of docidx markup.
This is an internal package of doctools, for use by the higher level
management packages handling keyword indices, especially doc-
tools::idx::export, the export manager.
Using it from a regular interpreter is possible, however only with con-
tortions, and is not recommended. The proper way to use this function-
ality is through the package doctools::idx::export and the export man-
ager objects it provides.
The API provided by this package satisfies the specification of the do-
cidx export plugin API version 2.
export serial configuration
This command takes the canonical serialization of a keyword in-
dex, as specified in section Keyword index serialization format,
and contained in serial, the configuration, a dictionary, and
generates docidx markup encoding the index. The created string
is then returned as the result of the command.
The docidx format for keyword indices, also called the docidx markup
language, is too large to be covered in single section. The interested
reader should start with the document
[1] docidx language introduction
and then proceed from there to the formal specifications, i.e. the doc-
[1] docidx language syntax and
[2] docidx language command reference.
to get a thorough understanding of the language.
The docidx export plugin recognizes the following configuration vari-
ables and changes its behaviour as they specify.
string user
This standard configuration variable contains the name of the
user running the process which invoked the export plugin. The
plugin puts this information into the provenance comment at the
beginning of the generated document.
string file
This standard configuration variable contains the name of the
file the index came from. This variable may not be set or con-
tain the empty string. The plugin puts this information, if de-
fined, i.e. set and not the empty string, into the provenance
comment at the beginning of the generated document.
boolean newlines
If this flag is set the plugin will break the generated docidx
code across lines, with each markup command on a separate line.
If this flag is not set (the default), the whole document will
be written on a single line, with minimum spacing between all
boolean indented
If this flag is set the plugin will indent the markup commands
according to the structure of indices. To make this work this
also implies that newlines is set. This effect is independent of
the value for aligned however.
If this flag is not set (the default), the output is formatted
as per the values of newlines and aligned, and no indenting is
boolean aligned
If this flag is set the generator ensures that the arguments for
the manpage and url commands in a keyword section are aligned
vertically for a nice table effect. To make this work this also
implies that newlines is set. This effect is independent of the
value for indented however.
If this flag is not set (the default), the output is formatted
as per the values of newlines and indented, and no alignment is
Note that this plugin ignores the standard configuration variables for-
mat, and map, and their values.
Here we specify the format used by the doctools v2 packages to serial-
ize keyword indices as immutable values for transport, comparison, etc.
We distinguish between regular and canonical serializations. While a
keyword index may have more than one regular serialization only exactly
one of them will be canonical.
regular serialization
[1] An index serialization is a nested Tcl dictionary.
[2] This dictionary holds a single key, doctools::idx, and
its value. This value holds the contents of the index.
[3] The contents of the index are a Tcl dictionary holding
the title of the index, a label, and the keywords and
references. The relevant keys and their values are
title The value is a string containing the title of the
label The value is a string containing a label for the
The value is a Tcl dictionary, using the keywords
known to the index as keys. The associated values
are lists containing the identifiers of the refer-
ences associated with that particular keyword.
Any reference identifier used in these lists has
to exist as a key in the references dictionary,
see the next item for its definition.
The value is a Tcl dictionary, using the identi-
fiers for the references known to the index as
keys. The associated values are 2-element lists
containing the type and label of the reference, in
this order.
Any key here has to be associated with at least
one keyword, i.e. occur in at least one of the
reference lists which are the values in the key-
words dictionary, see previous item for its defi-
[4] The type of a reference can be one of two values,
The identifier of the reference is interpreted as
symbolic file name, referring to one of the docu-
ments the index was made for.
url The identifier of the reference is interpreted as
an url, referring to some external location, like
a website, etc.
canonical serialization
The canonical serialization of a keyword index has the format as
specified in the previous item, and then additionally satisfies
the constraints below, which make it unique among all the possi-
ble serializations of the keyword index.
[1] The keys found in all the nested Tcl dictionaries are
sorted in ascending dictionary order, as generated by
Tcl's builtin command lsort -increasing -dict.
[2] The references listed for each keyword of the index, if
any, are listed in ascending dictionary order of their
labels, as generated by Tcl's builtin command lsort -in-
creasing -dict.
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain
bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category doctools
of the Tcllib Trackers []. Please
also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package
and/or documentation.
When proposing code changes, please provide unified diffs, i.e the out-
put of diff -u.
Note further that attachments are strongly preferred over inlined
patches. Attachments can be made by going to the Edit form of the
ticket immediately after its creation, and then using the left-most
button in the secondary navigation bar.
docidx, doctools, export, index, serialization
Text formatter plugin
Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Andreas Kupries <>
tcllib 0.2.1 doctools::idx::export::docidx(3tcl)