
term::receive(3tcl)            Terminal control            term::receive(3tcl)


       term::receive - General input from terminals

       package require Tcl  8.4

       package require term::receive  ?0.1?

       ::term::receive::getch ?chan?

       ::term::receive::listen cmd ?chan?

       cmd process string

       cmd eof

       ::term::receive::unlisten ?chan?


       This package provides the most primitive commands for receiving charac-
       ters to a terminal. They are in essence convenient wrappers around  the
       builtin commands read and fileevent.

       ::term::receive::getch ?chan?
              This command reads a single character from the channel with han-
              dle chan and returns it as the result of the command.

              If not specified chan defaults to stdin.

              It is the responsibility of the caller to  make  sure  that  the
              channel can provide single characters. On unix this can be done,
              for   example,    by    using    the    command    of    package

       ::term::receive::listen cmd ?chan?
              This  command  sets  up a filevent listener for the channel with
              handle chan and invokes the command prefix cmd whenever  charac-
              ters have been received, or EOF was reached.

              If not specified chan defaults to stdin.

              The signature of the command prefix is

              cmd process string
                     This method is invoked when characters were received, and
                     string holds them for processing.

              cmd eof
                     This method is invoked when EOF was reached on the  chan-
                     nel  we  listen  on.   It will be the last call to be re-
                     ceived by the callback.

       ::term::receive::unlisten ?chan?
              This command disables the filevent listener for the channel with
              handle chan.

              If not specified chan defaults to stdin.

       This  document,  and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain
       bugs and other problems.  Please report such in the  category  term  of
       the  Tcllib  Trackers  [].   Please
       also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either  package
       and/or documentation.

       When proposing code changes, please provide unified diffs, i.e the out-
       put of diff -u.

       Note further that  attachments  are  strongly  preferred  over  inlined
       patches.  Attachments  can  be  made  by  going to the Edit form of the
       ticket immediately after its creation, and  then  using  the  left-most
       button in the secondary navigation bar.

       character input, control, get character, listener, receiver, terminal

       Terminal control

       Copyright (c) 2006 Andreas Kupries <>

tcllib                                0.1                  term::receive(3tcl)

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