textutil::string(3Text and string utilities, macro procetextutil::string(3tcl)
textutil::string - Procedures to manipulate texts and strings.
package require Tcl 8.2
package require textutil::string ?0.8?
::textutil::string::chop string
::textutil::string::tail string
::textutil::string::cap string
::textutil::string::capEachWord string
::textutil::string::uncap string
::textutil::string::longestCommonPrefixList list
::textutil::string::longestCommonPrefix ?string...?
The package textutil::string provides miscellaneous string manipulation
The complete set of procedures is described below.
::textutil::string::chop string
A convenience command. Removes the last character of string and
returns the shortened string.
::textutil::string::tail string
A convenience command. Removes the first character of string and
returns the shortened string.
::textutil::string::cap string
Capitalizes the first character of string and returns the modi-
fied string.
::textutil::string::capEachWord string
Capitalizes the first character of word of the string and re-
turns the modified string. Words quoted with either backslash or
dollar-sign are left untouched.
::textutil::string::uncap string
The complementary operation to ::textutil::string::cap. Forces
the first character of string to lower case and returns the mod-
ified string.
::textutil::string::longestCommonPrefixList list
::textutil::string::longestCommonPrefix ?string...?
Computes the longest common prefix for either the strings given
to the command, or the strings specified in the single list, and
returns it as the result of the command.
If no strings were specified the result is the empty string. If
only one string was specified, the string itself is returned, as
it is its own longest common prefix.
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain
bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category textutil
of the Tcllib Trackers [http://core.tcl.tk/tcllib/reportlist]. Please
also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package
and/or documentation.
When proposing code changes, please provide unified diffs, i.e the out-
put of diff -u.
Note further that attachments are strongly preferred over inlined
patches. Attachments can be made by going to the Edit form of the
ticket immediately after its creation, and then using the left-most
button in the secondary navigation bar.
regexp(3tcl), split(3tcl), string(3tcl)
capitalize, chop, common prefix, formatting, prefix, string, uncapital-
Text processing
tcllib 0.8 textutil::string(3tcl)