
tkcon(3tk)                                                          tkcon(3tk)


       tkcon - Controlling TkCon console

       tkcon attach interpreter

       tkcon buffer ?size?

       tkcon bgerror ?msg errorInfo?

       tkcon close or tkcon destroy

       tkcon congets

       tkcon console args

       tkcon error

       tkcon find string ?-case TCL_BOOLEAN -regexp TCL_BOOLEAN?

       tkcon font ?fontname?

       tkcon gets

       tkcon getcommand

       tkcon hide

       tkcon history ?-newline?

       tkcon iconify

       tkcon linelength ?value?

       tkcon load filename

       tkcon main ?arg arg ...?

       tkcon master args

       tkcon new

       tkcon resultfilter ?command?

       tkcon save ?filename ?type??

       tkcon set var ?value?

       tkcon append var ?value?

       tkcon lappend var ?value?

       tkcon show or tkcon deiconify

       tkcon slave ?slavename ?arg arg ...??

       tkcon title ?title?

       tkcon version


       This provides lots of useful control over a console:

       tkcon attach interpreter
              Attaches  tkcon to the named interpreter.  The name must be that
              returned by [tk appname] or a valid path to a slave interpreter.
              It's best to use this via the Console->Attach Console menu.

       tkcon buffer ?size?
              Sets  or  queries the allowed size of the console text widget in
              lines.  The text widget will automatically delete leading  lines
              once  this  number  has  been exceeded (read: this is the scroll
              buffer size).

       tkcon bgerror ?msg errorInfo?
              Does bgerror stuff in the tkcon master interpreter.

       tkcon close or tkcon destroy
              Destroys this tkcon widget.

       tkcon congets
              Behaves like the traditional Tcl  gets,  but  instead  of  using
              stdin,  it uses the tkcon console window.  By default, tkcon re-
              places the standard gets with this command.  This  behavior  can
              be  controlled  by  altering the ::tkcon::OPT(gets) parameter at
              startup.  This should not be called directly - instead  rely  on
              the  overloaded gets, which has support for the optional varName

       tkcon console args
              Passes the args to the tkcon text widget (the console).

       tkcon error
              Pops up a dialog that gives the user a full trace  of  the  last
              error received in the tkcon console.

       tkcon find string ?-case TCL_BOOLEAN -regexp TCL_BOOLEAN?
              Highlights  all  instances  of  string  in  the console.  If the
              string is empty, it clears any previous highlighting.

       tkcon font ?fontname?
              Sets or returns the font used by tkcon text widgets.

       tkcon gets
              Behaves like the traditional Tcl gets, but  instead  of  needing
              stdin,  it  pops  a  dialog box up for the user.  The overloaded
              gets has support for the optional varName parameter.

       tkcon getcommand
              A variation of the congets method that requires a  full  command
              to be input before returning.

       tkcon hide
              Withdraw the tkcon display from the screen (make sure you have a
              way to get it back).

       tkcon history ?-newline?
              Displays the tkcon history in sourceable form.  If  -newline  is
              specified, it separates each command by an extra newline.

       tkcon iconify
              Iconifies the tkcon display.

       tkcon linelength ?value?
              Sets or displays the number that specifies the limit of long re-
              sult lines.  True result is still captured in $_ (and 'puts  $_'

       tkcon load filename
              Sources  named  file into the slave interpreter.  If no filename
              is given, it will attempt to call tk_getOpenFile to pop  up  the
              file select box.

       tkcon main ?arg arg ...?
              Passes  the  args  to the main tkcon interpreter to be evaluated
              and returns the result.

       tkcon master args
              Passes the args to the master interpreter to  be  evaluated  and
              returns the result.

       tkcon new
              Creates a new tkcon widget.

       tkcon resultfilter ?command?
              Specify a command to process the results before outputting it to
              the console window.  The command receives one argument (the  re-
              sult string) and the string returned is placed in the console.

       tkcon save ?filename ?type??
              Saves  the console buffer to the given filename.  If no filename
              is given, it will attempt to call tk_getSaveFile to pop  up  the
              file  select box.  If no type is given, a dialog will ask you to
              specify what portion of the text you want to save.

       tkcon set var ?value?
              Queries or sets a master interpreter variable.

       tkcon append var ?value?
              Like set, but uses append on the variable.

       tkcon lappend var ?value?
              Like set, but uses lappend on the variable.

       tkcon show or tkcon deiconify
              Redisplays tkcon on the screen.

       tkcon slave ?slavename ?arg arg ...??
              If called with no args, it returns the name of all the tkcon in-
              terpreters.   Otherwise  given an interp name it passes the args
              to the named interpreter to be evaluated and returns the result.
              If  no args are passed, then it returns the [tk appname] of that

       tkcon title ?title?
              Sets or returns the title for tkcon.

       tkcon version
              Returns of version of tkcon.

       dump(3tk), observe(3tk), tkcon(1), tkcon(3tk), tkconrc(5)

       Tk, console, debug

       Copyright (c) Jeffrey Hobbs <jeff at>

TkCon                                 2.5                           tkcon(3tk)

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