doctools2toc_introduction(3tclDocumentation toodoctools2toc_introduction(3tcl)
doctools2toc_introduction - DocTools - Tables of Contents
doctoc (short for documentation tables of contents) stands for a set of
related, yet different, entities which are working together for the
easy creation and transformation of tables and contents for documenta-
These are
[1] A tcl based language for the semantic markup of a table of con-
tents. Markup is represented by Tcl commands. Beginners should
start with the doctoc language introduction. The formal speci-
fication is split over two documents, one dealing with the doc-
toc language syntax, the other a doctoc language command refer-
[2] A set of packages for the programmatic manipulation of tables of
contents in memory, and their conversion between various for-
mats, reading and writing. The aforementioned markup language is
one of the formats which can be both read from and written to.
[3] The system for the conversion of tables of contents is based on
a plugin mechanism, for this we have two APIs describing the in-
terface between the packages above and the import/export plug-
Which of the more detailed documents are relevant to the reader of this
introduction depends on their role in the documentation process.
[1] A writer of documentation has to understand the markup language
itself. A beginner to doctoc should read the more informally
written doctoc language introduction first. Having digested this
the formal doctoc language syntax specification should become
understandable. A writer experienced with doctoc may only need
the doctoc language command reference from time to time to re-
fresh her memory.
While a document is written the dtp application can be used to
validate it, and after completion it also performs the conver-
sion into the chosen system of visual markup, be it *roff, HTML,
plain text, wiki, etc. The simpler dtplite application makes in-
ternal use of doctoc when handling directories of documentation,
automatically generating a proper table of contents for them.
[2] A processor of documentation written in the doctoc markup lan-
guage has to know which tools are available for use.
The main tool is the aforementioned dtp application provided by
Tcllib. The simpler dtplite does not expose doctoc to the user.
At the bottom level, common to both applications, however we
find the three packages providing the basic facilities to handle
tables of contents, i.e. import from textual formats, program-
matic manipulation in memory, and export to textual formats.
These are
Programmatic manipulation of tables of contents in mem-
Import of tables of contents from various textual for-
mats. The set of supported formats is extensible through
plugin packages.
Export of tables of contents to various textual formats.
The set of supported formats is extensible through plugin
See also section Package Overview for an overview of the depen-
dencies between these and other, supporting packages.
[3] At last, but not least, plugin writers have to understand the
interaction between the import and export packages and their
plugins. These APIs are described in the documentation for the
two relevant packages, i.e.
o doctoools::toc::import
o doctoools::toc::export
The doctoc format does not stand alone, it has two companion formats.
These are called docidx and doctools, and they are intended for the
markup of keyword indices, and of general documentation, respectively.
They are described in their own sets of documents, starting at the Doc-
Tools - Keyword Indices and the DocTools - General, respectively.
~~~~~~~~~~~ doctools::toc ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~ | ~~
doctools::toc::export ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ doctools::toc::import
| | |
+---------------+-------------------------+ | +------------------+---------------+-----------------------+---------------+
| | | | | | | | |
struct:map = | | | = doctools::include struct::map fileutil::paths
| | | | |
doctools::toc::export::<*> | | | doctools::toc::import::<*>
doctoc | | | doctoc, json
json | | | | \
html | | | doctools::toc::parse \
nroff | | | | \
wiki | | | +---------------+ json
text | | | | |
doctools::toc::structure |
| |
doctools::html doctools::html::cssdefaults doctools::tcl::parse doctools::msgcat
| |
doctools::text doctools::nroff::man_macros =
c, en, de, fr
(fr == en for now)
~~ Interoperable objects, without actual package dependencies
-- Package dependency, higher requires lower package
= Dynamic dependency through plugin system
<*> Multiple packages following the given form of naming.
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain
bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category doctools
of the Tcllib Trackers []. Please
also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package
and/or documentation.
When proposing code changes, please provide unified diffs, i.e the out-
put of diff -u.
Note further that attachments are strongly preferred over inlined
patches. Attachments can be made by going to the Edit form of the
ticket immediately after its creation, and then using the left-most
button in the secondary navigation bar.
doctoc_intro, doctools, doctools2doc_introduction, doctools2idx_intro-
duction, doctools_lang_cmdref, doctools_lang_faq, doctools_lang_intro,
doctools_lang_syntax, doctools_plugin_apiref
contents, conversion, formatting, markup, parsing, plugin, semantic
markup, table of contents
Documentation tools
Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Kupries <>
tcllib 2.0 doctools2toc_introduction(3tcl)