
PSTORE.CONF(5)                    pstore.conf                   PSTORE.CONF(5)

       pstore.conf, pstore.conf.d - PStore configuration file

       /etc/systemd/pstore.conf /etc/systemd/pstore.conf.d/*

       This file configures the behavior of systemd-pstore(8), a tool for
       archiving the contents of the persistent storage filesystem, pstore[1].

       The default configuration is defined during compilation, so a
       configuration file is only needed when it is necessary to deviate from
       those defaults. By default, the configuration file in /etc/systemd/
       contains commented out entries showing the defaults as a guide to the
       administrator. This file can be edited to create local overrides.

       When packages need to customize the configuration, they can install
       configuration snippets in /usr/lib/systemd/*.conf.d/ or
       /usr/local/lib/systemd/*.conf.d/. The main configuration file is read
       before any of the configuration directories, and has the lowest
       precedence; entries in a file in any configuration directory override
       entries in the single configuration file. Files in the *.conf.d/
       configuration subdirectories are sorted by their filename in
       lexicographic order, regardless of in which of the subdirectories they
       reside. When multiple files specify the same option, for options which
       accept just a single value, the entry in the file with the
       lexicographically latest name takes precedence. For options which
       accept a list of values, entries are collected as they occur in files
       sorted lexicographically.

       Files in /etc/ are reserved for the local administrator, who may use
       this logic to override the configuration files installed by vendor
       packages. It is recommended to prefix all filenames in those
       subdirectories with a two-digit number and a dash, to simplify the
       ordering of the files.

       To disable a configuration file supplied by the vendor, the recommended
       way is to place a symlink to /dev/null in the configuration directory
       in /etc/, with the same filename as the vendor configuration file.

       All options are configured in the "[PStore]" section:

           Controls where to archive (i.e. copy) files from the pstore
           filesystem. One of "none", "external", and "journal". When "none",
           the tool exits without processing files in the pstore filesystem.
           When "external" (the default), files are archived into
           /var/lib/systemd/pstore/, and logged into the journal. When
           "journal", pstore file contents are logged only in the journal.

           Controls whether or not files are removed from pstore after
           processing. Takes a boolean value. When true, a pstore file is
           removed from the pstore once it has been archived (either to disk
           or into the journal). When false, processing of pstore files occurs
           normally, but the files remain in the pstore. The default is true
           in order to maintain the pstore in a nearly empty state, so that
           the pstore has storage available for the next kernel error event.

       The defaults for all values are listed as comments in the template
       /etc/systemd/pstore.conf file that is installed by default.


        1. pstore

systemd 245                                                     PSTORE.CONF(5)

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