LDATTACH(8) System Administration LDATTACH(8)
ldattach - attach a line discipline to a serial line
ldattach [-1278denoVh] [-i iflag] [-s speed] ldisc device
The ldattach daemon opens the specified device file (which should refer
to a serial device) and attaches the line discipline ldisc to it for
processing of the sent and/or received data. It then goes into the
background keeping the device open so that the line discipline stays
The line discipline ldisc may be specified either by name or by number.
In order to detach the line discipline, kill(1) the ldattach process.
With no arguments, ldattach prints usage information.
Depending on the kernel release, the following line disciplines are
TTY(0) The default line discipline, providing transparent operation
(raw mode) as well as the habitual terminal line editing capa-
bilities (cooked mode).
Serial Line IP (SLIP) protocol processor for transmitting TCP/IP
packets over serial lines.
Device driver for RS232 connected pointing devices (serial
PPP(3) Point to Point Protocol (PPP) processor for transmitting network
packets over serial lines.
STRIP(4)AX25(5)X25(6) Line driver for transmitting X.25 packets over asynchronous se-
rial lines.
Driver for Simatic R3964 module.
Linux IrDa (infrared data transmission) driver - see
Synchronous HDLC driver.
Synchronous PPP driver.
Bluetooth HCI UART driver.
Driver for Siemens Gigaset M101 serial DECT adapter.
Driver for serial line Pulse Per Second (PPS) source.
Driver for GSM 07.10 multiplexing protocol modem (CMUX).
-1, --onestopbit
Set the number of stop bits of the serial line to one.
-2, --twostopbits
Set the number of stop bits of the serial line to two.
-7, --sevenbits
Set the character size of the serial line to 7 bits.
-8, --eightbits
Set the character size of the serial line to 8 bits.
-d, --debug
Keep ldattach in the foreground so that it can be interrupted or
debugged, and to print verbose messages about its progress to
standard error output.
-e, --evenparity
Set the parity of the serial line to even.
-i, --iflag [-]value...
Set the specified bits in the c_iflag word of the serial line.
The given value may be a number or a symbolic name. If value is
prefixed by a minus sign, the specified bits are cleared in-
stead. Several comma-separated values may be given in order to
set and clear multiple bits.
-n, --noparity
Set the parity of the serial line to none.
-o, --oddparity
Set the parity of the serial line to odd.
-s, --speed value
Set the speed (the baud rate) of the serial line to the speci-
fied value.
-c, --intro-command string
Define an intro command that is sent through the serial line be-
fore the invocation of ldattach. E.g. in conjunction with line
discipline GSM0710, the command 'AT+CMUX=0\r' is commonly suit-
able to switch the modem into the CMUX mode.
-p, --pause value
Sleep for value seconds before the invocation of ldattach. De-
fault is one second.
-V, --version
Display version information and exit.
-h, --help
Display help text and exit.
inputattach(1), ttys(4)
Tilman Schmidt (tilman@imap.cc)
The ldattach command is part of the util-linux package and is available
from https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/.
util-linux July 2014 LDATTACH(8)