
Firewall mark classifier in tc(8)    Linux   Firewall mark classifier in tc(8)

       fw - fwmark traffic control filter

       tc filter ... fw [ classid CLASSID ] [ action ACTION_SPEC ]

       the  fw filter allows to classify packets based on a previously set fw-
       mark by iptables.  If it is identical to the filter's handle, the  fil-
       ter matches.  iptables allows to mark single packets with the MARK tar-
       get, or whole connections using CONNMARK.  The benefit  of  using  this
       filter instead of doing the heavy-lifting with tc itself is that on one
       hand it might be convenient to keep packet filtering and classification
       in  one  place, possibly having to match a packet just once, and on the
       other users familiar with iptables but not tc will  have  a  less  hard
       time adding QoS to their setups.

       classid CLASSID
              Push matching packets to the class identified by CLASSID.

       action ACTION_SPEC
              Apply  an  action from the generic actions framework on matching

       Take e.g. the following tc filter statement:

              tc filter add ... handle 6 fw classid 1:1

       will match if the packet's fwmark value is 6.  This is a  sample  ipta-
       bles statement marking packets coming in on eth0:

              iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -j MARK --set-mark 6

       tc(8), iptables(8), iptables-extensions(8)

iproute2                          21 Oct 2015Firewall mark classifier in tc(8)

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